Cable Technology

Vertere’s philosophy is simple and straightforward. Any hi-fi system is only as good as its weakest link. By definition, every component of the system can only degrade the signal. The issue is how? And by how much?

So, the aim is always to identify the weakest link, the component that’s causing the most degradation. When any component is seriously compromising the performance of system, it limits progress in every way.

If you fail to address the weakest link first, you can spend any amount of time and money on the other parts of the system, but end up with no real improvement!

The correct route, to make real progress, is to address the weakest links successively. Then every step will result in ever-improving performance and satisfaction. This paves your way out of a maze, rather than moving into one. 

Cables come first

In many years of research, Vertere has applied a methodical approach to analyse system performance. Since 2006, with the introduction of its original Hand-Built Pulse, Vertere has continued to demonstrate conclusively that for almost any system, the weakest link is the connecting cables.

When poorly-specified cables are replaced with Vertere’s Pulse cables, the results speak for themselves. The other components in the system then begin to reveal their true level of performance. Everything becomes better and more enjoyable!