Our Passion
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Vertere’s mission is to bring the performance of audio systems at home as close as possible to the original master, in other words, what the musicians, mastering and cutting engineers intended for us to hear.
At one end of this spectrum, an imperfect, incompetent system’s performance would be far away from the original making our experience of the music completely subjective. At the other end of the spectrum however, with a perfect system, the experience would be exactly as the original thus 100% objective. Whilst perfection is unattainable, Vertere strives to achieve 100% objectivity by pushing the boundaries to get as close as possible to the original master. While it is the artists’ job to be imaginative, ours is to imitate their musical intention perfectly – not to interfere.
In this pursuit our relationship with some of the legends in music, recording, mastering, and cutting has proven to be invaluable and put us in a privileged position of experiencing first-hand what original masters sound like. This in turn inspired us to create products accessible to everyone to experience the same level of performance at home that they would when listening to the musicians live.
Touraj Moghaddam has been designing record players since 1984, but it wasn’t until the birth of Vertere that he started employing the hand-built Pulse cables and the reference tonearm to assist him in his designs.
These opened the window to such an extent that it made it easy to identify the weakest links giving us a roadmap of which and more importantly how we should develop our products in the future.’ Touraj adds, ‘The most important aspect of all of this was having that reference, the original master sound and performance. Experiencing the end result of mastering and cutting and by using the same equipment as the monitoring system for playback, allowed us to identify the most important components and lean-engineer everything to achieve our goal. It would have been impossible to realise such a high level of performance from the DG-1 if we didn’t have the reference products.’
‘Everyone at Vertere shares the same passion; music and getting the best out of our products. All the record players and cables we produce are there to fulfil that ambition and get every detail out of the recording and performance.’ Mike Burn – UK Sales Manager.
‘Vertere is a small and agile team developing world-class products. We use various networks to quickly assess where we are, how the product is working in the field and make development improvements, which we can feed back to our customer base effectively.’ Ashley Dyer – Sales Director.
A finished design’s key to becoming a successful product in the market is manufacturing consistency. Our Production Manager, Nigel Charles stresses that ‘… an uncontrolled manufacturing environment without all the tools and a confident team that feels comfortable using them won’t have consistency.’ ‘That’s why at Vertere, we pay meticulous attention to detail in everything we do. Everyone has listened to the turntables and understands our mission.’
The importance of our pursuit shines through our product design and manufacturing; Vertere’s CEO and Founder, Touraj Moghaddam and industrial designer, K C Lo, often work together focusing on some angles of upcoming products to ensure that unique Vertere look and feel.
We are committed to perfection and endeavour to give you high-quality, beautifully designed, consistent, and accessible products every time.
Touraj Moghaddam, Founder and CEO